Saturday, August 31, 2019

Coming of Age Essay

A coming of age experience can happen any time during one’s life, most often when it is least expected. It is the thread that sews humanity together, a phenomenon, which is undeniable. Society tells us, it is a defining moment in a child’s life, when the world somehow becomes his or her own. Why then is â€Å"Coming of Age† simply relegated to the young? We all experience this phenomenon, from the tender age of four till the ripe old age of ninety-four. It is not an experience based solely on chronological milestones. Coming of age is a defining moment when a person’s wide-eyed nnocence is replaced with something deeper and at times something darker and more sinister, a snapshot in life when one realized the answer rests inside us, not relying completely on God. Consequently, in that way, we are always coming of age, always-losing innocence, gaining understanding, and always discovering new truths about ourselves, emotionally, and intellectually. Coming of age is the act of experiencing a definitive shift in one’s perspective, a greater realization of ones place in the world, and a further understanding of how personal actions and reactions are ntegrally linked. â€Å"That’s not fair† was my signature quotation as a little girl. A life full of Barbie’s, tea parties, and several rounds of Go-Fish card games was very demanding for a five year old. I could only assume the world revolved around which Barbie I wanted to be, what frilly dress I wanted to wear, and my pristine skills of winning every round of Go-Fish. As a little princess, fairness was vital to what made me happy. When I was eight years old, the word â€Å"fair† took on a whole other meaning the day my mom and her best friend, Muffy, took my sister and me to lunch. As we at down at the table, Muffy, the mother of my best friend, Sam, hesitantly twisted the diamond protruding from her gold wedding band. We waited for our lunches in silence, my sister and I only knowing that they had â€Å"something to tell us,† but not knowing what. The silence was unbearable; waiting for something that must have no positive outcome was definitely, as I would term, unfair. After the waitress brought our food, my mom’s voice filled the intolerable silence. Unlike her usual motherly lectures, my mom’s voice seemed Just as excruciating as the previous silence; it was uncertain, unfamiliar, and distant. My mom has always been the woman that I admire and would hope to become. The smiles and love she has given to my sister and me have been unconditional and contagious. At the moment, the slightly tilted frown and the unfulfilled eye contact was not the woman that I knew as my mother. All I wish for was to read her mind, fgure out who she had become so that I could make everything better and change her back to the woman I see myself being one day. Muffy began with her understanding voice, a quality that she and my mother share, â€Å"Emily and Peggy, I can see the concern on your faces and we are here to tell ou that Sam has cancer. He will be undergoing surgery next week and all I ask from you is to be as understanding, mature, and as helpful as possible. I know you are both strong and that it is going to be hard for all of us. My best friend, at eight years old, has cancer. I continued to repeat this in my mind. There was no â€Å"He will be find† or â€Å"Everything will be taken car of. † My mind was running with questions, How long has he had cancer? Will he have to undergo chemo? Will he lose all his hair? But unfair. Two years later Sam went through his third treatment. At this point we were told hat he was not going to make it and at that mo ment, as a young eight year old, I began to understand that life’s trials cannot be won like a game of go-fish. I began to understand that life is not fair because I did not understand why someone so caring and loving like Sam would be put through this. I do wish that fguring these things out at such a young age would not be as tortuous as my best friend getting cancer and passing away. However, for me, maturing at that age is accepting that the world does not revolved around me. That losing in a game of go-fish is not the end of the world and to treasure every day of life.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Chapter 3: General attitudes predict general behavior 3. Accessibility Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Attitudes: Evaluative Statements (fav. or unfav) about objects, people or events â€Å"I like my job† – Attitude about my job Components of Attitude: 1. Cognitive I am overloaded A description of or belief in the way things are Opinion / belief segment 2. Affective I hate this job More critical part of attitude Emotional or feeling segment of the attitude 3. Behavioral I am looking for another job Intention to behave in a certain way towards someone or something Very interdependent components.Esp Cognition and Affect 2. Major Job Attitudes 1. Job Satisfaction Positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics Job Involvement Degree to which people identify psychologically with their job+ consider perceived performance level as self-worth Psychological Empowerment – employee’s belief in the degree to which he/she is influencing the work environment, their competence, meaningfulness of job and perceived autonomy Memory-easy access-predicts our behavior We remember attitudes we express often 4. Presence of social pressuresNon Smoker working in Tobacco factory 5. Direct Experience with the attitude A-B bond will be much stronger with direct personal exp Eg: Asking college students about work pressure would not give substantial results Leon Festinger Conventional thought: Behavior is always assumed to follow from attitude Challenged by Leon Festinger – Attitudes follow behavior (eg: using a car you despised because you are forces to changes your attitude about the car) High amounts of JI and PE leads to reduced absences and lower turnover rates 3. Organizational Commitment 3 separate dimensions: a. b. . Affective Continuance Normative Cognitive Dissonance When an individual faces incompatibility across components of attitude or between attitude and behavior or attitudes themselves The normal human tend ency is to reduce this incompatibility and seek a stable state (minimum of dissonance*) *dissonance – means incongruity/disagreement Affective †¢ Emotional Attachment to Organzn (ALLEGIANCE) †¢ Perceived economic value of continuing with the Organzn †¢ Obligation to remain due to moral/ethical reasons OBLIGATION People want to have a consistency between their attitudes and behavior. ways employed: 1. Change their attitude / behavior Continuance 2. Develop a rationale for the discrepancy Eg: Tobacco Workers who do not smoke Desire to reduce Dissonance depends on: 1. 2. 3. Importance Influence Rewards Normative POS: Perceived Organization Support Degree to which employees believe that the †¢ †¢ Org. values their contribution and cares about their well being Moderating Variables of attitudes relations: 1. Importance of the Attitude Important attitudes reflect our fundamental values Show a strong relation to behavior 2. Correspondence to behavior Employee Engagement:Relatively new concept Involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for work Engaged employees have a deep commitment, whereas disengaged employees put only time and no energy/attention to work Specific attitudes predict specific behavior Namith Najeeb – PGP -15 -028 Job Satisfaction Positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics 2 approaches to measuring JS: 1. Single Global Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Outcomes of Satisfaction & Dissatisfaction Job Satisfaction & Job Performance Happy Workers > Perform better Not a myth anymore, has been proved empirically Org . ith more satisfied employees perform better Job Satisfaction & OCB Organizational Citizenship Behavior Satisfied talk +ve about the company, help others and do more Fairness perception – giving back the goodness they received Job Satisfaction & Customer Satisfaction Satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty Employee morale goes down – sales effected All things considered how satisfied are you with your job? Likert Scale: 2. Summation of Job Facets More sophisticated Identifies key elements in a job: Nature of job, supervision, present pay, promotion opportunities, co-worker relationsPersons with positive core self-evaluations (who believe in inner worth and basic competence) are more satisfied than people with negative core self-evaluations Job Satisfaction & Absenteeism More sick leave benefits encourage even satisfied employees to take leave of absence When several job opportunities are available dissatisfied employees have a higher absenteeism Job Satisfaction & Turnover* *Turnover-how long employees tend to stay Impact of Satisfied & Dissatisfied Workers at the Workplace Consequences of Dissatisfaction: Exit – Voice – Loyalty – Neglect Model (EVLN Model) ActiveMore stronger than relation between JS and absenteeism When more emp. opport. are available turnover increases with Job Dissatisfaction Employees with high human capital tend to turnover due to more perceived opportunities Job Satisfaction & Workplace Deviance Exit Destructive Neglect Voice Constructive Loyalty Consequences of Job Dissatisfaction and Antagonistic relations with co-workers can cause these undesirable behaviors: Unionization attempts, substance abuse, stealing at work, undue socializing, tardiness This is called Deviant Behavior in the Workplace / Counterproductive Behavior / Employee Withdrawal PassiveExit: Looking to leave the Organization – resign/new position Voice: Actively & constructively attempt to improve conditions Suggests improvements, discusses prob with seniors Loyalty: Passively but optimistically waiting for improvements Speak up for the orgnzn in the face of criticism Trusting the orgnzn to â€Å"Do the right thing† Neglect: Passively allows condition to worsen Leads to: Chronic absenteeism / lateness, Reduced effort Increased error rate Namith Najeeb – PGP -15 -0 28 To solve employee dissatisfaction try to solve the cause of the satisfaction than trying to control or respond to different consequences of job dissatisfaction

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Economic Rationale for Toll Roads Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The Economic Rationale for Toll Roads - Essay Example It will analyze the benefits and cost that are associated with tolling which is used widely in the world. But first let us take a close look at road transport system in the world n order to understand the rationale behind tolling. Road transport is perhaps the oldest mode of transport in the world. It has a long history that spins many years ago. This was due to various means of transport that could use roads. The earliest means of transport that was used on the road were animals. Donkeys, mules and horses have been recorded as the being the oldest means of transport that were used in the world at the beginning. The civilization that was taking place in Mesopotamia that led to the invention of the wheel revolutionized road transport as other means of transport were invented. Key among these means of transport invented at that time was carriages. At the same time, John Macadam developed what could be termed as the modern form of roads. Though his road did not use bitumen and other material used today, it gave travelers a comfortable ride. This was a big reap forward in the development of road transport. The development of macadam road led to the development of modern load. But perhaps the greatest development in the development of road transport was the invention of car by Daimler and others. ... Roads have facilitated movement of people and goods in all parts of the world. They have helped to link one community with another and one country to another. Movement of people and goods is or crucial importance in the development of our economic systems. Without proper transport mechanism in place, countries would be locked from the others and communities will be isolated. Thought there have been development of other means of transport from like railway and air transport, roads remain a choice of many people and it will taken long before road transport loses its value to the world. But why is road transport preferred by many people There are many reasons why road transport remains a choice for many people. Convenience Road transport is convenient for use. One can drive a personal car or use public transport means at any time one wished. If you compare road transport to others you will find that railway and air transport are always scheduled which means they may create some inconvenience. The convenience in road transport here comes with fastness since one can be able to travel from one place to the other without having to wait for some kind of scheduling to take place. Cheap Road transport is also cheap compared to others. It has been found that the cost of traveling from one state or from one town to the other using road transport is relatively cheap than using railway or air transport. This makes road transport a choice of many people. It will be found out that it is easy to own and maintain a personal car than personal jet or a train. These are just but some of the reasons why road transport remains a choice of many people in the world. But at the same time road transport is faced by many challenges

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Foundation Skills in Nursing Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foundation Skills in Nursing Assessment - Essay Example he nurses, since appropriate hand washing techniques are known to prevent spread of hospital-acquired infection (Lee, Huber, and Davidson, 2008, 12-17). Before beginning my care with him, I decided that I would observe the staff. As per recommendations and guidelines, one should wash hands before and after attending a patient. Therefore, before handling this patient, I went to the wash basin, took out my watch and ring, and then thoroughly rinsed my hands with water right from the elbows to the fingertips The (Infection Control Nurses Association (ICNA), 2003). I had to repeatedly wash these areas with soap and water taking special care not to avoid any areas. The ward had adequate facilities in all patient areas and treatment rooms. I observed that the wash basins in these areas were special in that they had elbow lever-operated mixer taps and were provided with liquid soap dispensers, paper hand towels, and foot-operated waste basins. In some cases there were alcohol hand rubs and gels available along with that. I had observed in some cases, when workload was high and less time was available for hand wash, the staff is using alcohol rub instead of soap wash (Nevill and Ikeda, 2006, 12). The RCN guidelines for hand hygiene clearly state that the hands should be decontaminated with correct techniques by washing with a soap or using alcohol solution, and this procedure needs to be stringent before direct contact with the patient or after any activity or contact with the patient including after removal of the gloves (Royal College of Nursing, 2005). Although alcohol is widely used as a rub in the clinical setting, soap and water wash is ideal, and after the wash, the hands should be dried thoroughly. The hands of the healthcare professionals ideally should have short nails, free of polish and clean. It has been shown that wrist watches, jewellery, rings, or rings with stones carry bacteria potentially; hence they should not be worn (Royal College of Nursing, 2005 ).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How to maximise the impact of teaching assistants in primary schools Literature review

How to maximise the impact of teaching assistants in primary schools - Literature review Example For instance, Deployment and Impact of Support Staff in schools (DISS) project at the Institute of Education in London recently carried out a study (Russell, Webster & Blatchford 2013). Their findings proved pupils who received great assistance from TAs usually made poor progress in their academics compared to those received very little support from the same (Russell, Webster & Blatchford 2013). This is because TAS in schools play very little role in the academic teaching of pupils but contribute in helping them understand various contents as well as acquiring essential life’s skills. Mostly, TAs aid in instilling a sense of self-responsibility in pupils thus enabling them to face varied life challenges with confidence that they will overcome if they apply appropriate skills. In a perfect school composition, teaching assistants mostly do about 25% of the entire school workforce. Therefore, it is essential for schools to make the most of the teaching assistants in order to assist pupils succeed not only in their academics but also in making rational decisions while they are outside learning settings. This is by schools coming up with effective strategies on preparing teaching assistants well as well as interaction with pupils to help them achieve higher standards. According to Russell, Webster & Blatchford (2013), schools ought to invest more on preparedness, deployment as well as practice of teaching assistants to ensure they adequately influence pupils positively. For instance, TAs ought to be adequately prepared on how to aid teachers in classrooms as well as understanding different disciplines, which pupils learn in class. It is also essential that teaching assistance receive practice on the nature and quality of their interactions with pupils Russell , Webster & Blatchford (2013). The latter is important as the teaching assistants’ interactions with

Monday, August 26, 2019

Week 1 discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Week 1 discussion - Assignment Example One of the modern day’s innovations is a laptop. It is a portable computer, which has the capability of storing power for usage. It satisfies the innovative characteristic of novelty to the market arena (Shehabuddeen, 2007). Kocarey (2012) depicts that laptops are new products of the twentieth century, and constantly, new features are introduced in their design, an example is a webcam device (p.26). It is an example of a continuous evolutionary innovation. Bicycles are other examples of innovative products. Bicycle is a movable device, with two wheels, joined together by a straight metallic object, and navigated by use of a steering. There are many designs of bicycle products, and examples include mountain bikes, and utility bicycles. It is an example of a continuous evolutionary innovation. Its pace of innovation is high due to market competitions, and emerging needs. Photocopiers are an example of a revolutionary innovation. This is a machine that uses xerography or inkjet technology to produce copies of images (Deller et al, 2003). This kind of innovation satisfies the concept of market strategy as a characteristic of an innovation. This innovation amounts to risk taking since it introduces new technology into the market. Television set is an example of a continuous evolutionary innovation. A television set is electronic equipment that has devices such as a turner, speaker and a screen, for purposes of displaying a picture and a message (Deller et al, 2003). Over time, television sets have evolved from analogue to digital systems. One of the characteristics it displays is the intensity of the idea in place. The idea in place is a game changer, since digital productions are complex in nature, ensuring the production of high quality images. Mobile handsets are other examples of an innovation. This is an example of a continuous evolutionary innovation, and they emanate

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Biodiversity, landscapes, and endangered species Research Paper

Biodiversity, landscapes, and endangered species - Research Paper Example This situation is the degree to which most species are being endangered and extinct. Clearly, until such as time that a pragmatic step is taken towards the protection of some of these species, the world may only become a place where there are fewer varieties of species than beautify our existence as people. From a scientific viewpoint also, this may affect the ecosystem negatively (Feldman, Divoll and Kyle-Rogan, 2009). This paper therefore seeks to critically study the life of Aaadonta irregularis as a critically endangered species from a scientific, practical and ethical viewpoint. Scientific perspective of Aaadonta irregularis Aaadonta irregularis is a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk, which is considered to be critically endangered by zoologists (Hardre et al, 2012). Aaadonta irregularis is a species of snail, meaning it is in the family Endodontidae and order Stylommatophora. Currently, the species is endemic to Palau, otherwise having Peleliu Island in Palau as its typic al locality since the late 19th century. The habitat of the species is lowland rainforest where it is an active agent in the ecosystem and the habitat as a whole. Known to be a weak member of the ecology of its habitat, Aaadonta irregularis is known to live a very solitude life characterized by very limited to rare locomotive activity (Schwartz et al, 2010). Regardless of this, is it able to interact and relate perfectly to its habitat including various other plant and animal species. For example Aaadonta irregularis depends heavily on plant life for food, movement and shelter. Unfortunately though, the species has not been able to withstand most of the competitions it receives from its habitat, including struggle for food and activities of snail hunters, leading to which no specimens were found in Peleliu in 2003 where earlier specimen had been collected in 1936 (Rundell, 2012). IUCN rates the population growth rate of Aaadonta irregularis as declining. What this means is that ther e seizes to be increases in the number of Aaadonta irregularis found in their usual habitat (Blanchard, Southerland and Granger, 2009). Several factors can be accounted for why this unfortunate situation prevails. One of the major factors has to do with human population growth, which has led to the expansion of most lowland riainforest in the Peleliu Island and other places that used to serve as active habitat for the species, being used as residential locations (Schwartz et al, 2010). Meanwhile, such activities of making forestlands human residence is characterized by activities that is harmful to Aaadonta irregularis including degradation of forest trees, earthling up and burning of forestlands. Noting Aaadonta irregularis as very weak species that cannot stand the strength of these activities, the very ultimate consequence of the activities on their lives is destruction of their very population base. Unfortunately, when most forms of these destructions approach the species, they are not the type that can rapidly move to find new habitats. Practical actions towards saving Aaadonta irregularis Conservation is very crucial and important for any species that suffers the kind of fate that Aaadonta irregularis currently suffers. But for conservation to take place, there are a number of actions that must be taken

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Globalization - Essay Example Globalization, for that matter, is also remarked as Internationalization since the nature of the two terms is on a worldwide scale more than anything else1. However, on the part of the two terms, the one thing common however is the fact that these have identified themselves well with the changing (and growing) trends, where most of these are credited on the shoulders of the World War II, after which there has been a resurgent rat race nonetheless. The movement of commodities, people, information, money, technological developments, organizational infrastructures, legal frameworks and so on and so forth have only proved to all and sundry that globalization is a phenomenon and it is one that is here to stay for long. The world has become a global village due to globalization and it is a good omen if seen in the proper perspectives. Globalization entails within it the changing technological innovations, the improvement in structures and different infrastructures, the advancements in basic thinking mindset of man, his ability to break loose from the ordinary and reach out towards the unknown and in all essence do something which can bring about an ultimate change, for the better. Having said that, we need to understand that globalization is not just a phenomenon, it is the science of human evolution and since man has for long held fast to this belief, there can be no reason as to why he should not comprehend the basis of the phenomenon of globalization2. It is a paradigm shift or a movement as we might call it, one that brings more stability within the ranks (where it is applied) and unison in the efforts and activities of all concerned. More often than not, we have seen improvements within the present day systems owing to globalization and it is because of this very perspective of change that we see world bodie s doing their utmost to reach out to far flung areas and explore hidden markets for the

Post-Stonewall LGBTQ Civil Rights and Lesbian Feminism (responses) Assignment

Post-Stonewall LGBTQ Civil Rights and Lesbian Feminism (responses) - Assignment Example gard, the topic is properly covered by the writer; however, the major issue that arising in relation to his/her presentation is that he/she did not focus on other extra information, but rather focused strictly on answering the three major questions that guided the task. The writer begins properly by providing a discussion the directly answers question one. He/she goes further provides supportive information regarding the facets of the first question. However, discussions regarding the second and the third questions are presented in a vague and a generalized manner, with the writer using only one in-text citation. In addition, he/she goes further and describes the pertinence of the week’s reading towards enhancing his/her understanding of the issues of LBGTQ community. There is also the use of poor language i.e. â€Å"we realize† and lack of adequate referencing. However, the entire presentation is quite appropriate as it depicts that the writer made an attempt to answer all the research questions, except for the vague discussion of question 2 and

Friday, August 23, 2019


THE COTSWOLDS AREA OF OUTSTANDING NATURAL BEAUTY - Essay Example ple and Hall (1992) opines that the heritage based tourism aims at letting the tourists experience the past traditional, social and religious aspects of a destination. In order to give tourists an unforgettable experience in heritage tourism, the management of a tourist destination selected must be perfect. One area that can be used to perfect the management of destinations is through an audit of the destination. An audit of the destination will involve an intensive examination of the destinations available tourism resources (Cooper, 2003). These resources include the amenities, major attractions, activities and other internal aspects of the destination with respect to the targeted market. It also includes the external factors such as threats emerging from competition and economic environment (Woodside 2008). This paper uses the case of Cotswolds Area of Outstanding National Beauty to perform a tourist destination audit. First, an overview of the destination is given. It then proceeds to analyse the internal and internal factors that affect the performance of the destination with recommendations of appropriate actions in the end. The Cotswold area is the largest heritage based destinations of tourism in England and Wales. The geographical area covers an expansive region with different tourist attractions. These include heritage cities, serene and attractive country side, cultural cuisines, and local limestone along with heritage events. Because of its expansive nature, the Cotswold area of outstanding natural beauty has a complex destination management organization. A destination management organization is the hierarchy of groups of persons and bodies that are in charge running tourism affairs in a given tourist destination (Wang & Pizam 2011). Their main task is to constantly examine and improve tourism attraction features and strategically position the destination in the tourism market (Klimerk 2013, p. 1). This study also indicates that the destination

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mtv Research Paper Essay Example for Free

Mtv Research Paper Essay The first song that was played on MTV was called â€Å"Video killed the Radio Star†. It was sung by a group called The Buggles. This was a very popular song all over and it was deemed a good choice for the first song broadcasted. Many people also believed that the meaning of the song was that MTV, the new music video broadcasting station was going to destroy the radio. Some people thought that the song was performed live, but it was just a video. MTV was quite a big hit by the 1990’s. It was viewed in over 50 million American homes. It became a target for all advertisers because of the number of young viewers that watched MTV. The kids would beg their parents to buy the products they saw on the advertisements and it made out to be a good investment for advertisers. The attention and money that the advertisers brought in was good for MTV because they got more offers to get commercial time which means more money for them. Some people that were on MTV when it was in its first few years were Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Sheryl Crow, Cranberries, and Nirvana. They helped to kind of kick off the show and set it up for successful years to come. There are also some big-named people who probably played music from that MTV which helped to jump start their career. Madonna, Michael Jackson, Prince, Peter Gabriel, U2, and Duran Duran were some of the people that were all a part of MTV at one time. In a way, these people also helped MTV to get a good start too. The more big names that they brought in the more attention they got from viewers. This was good for the singers and MTV. The target audience that MTV chose was teens age 12 to 21. With this age group, they found that they got very good viewing rates. Artists whose songs were played on MTV found that the sales of their song increased. This is what gave advertisers the idea that they could do good business if they had an ad on MTV. With this targeted audience, they also found that their viewing rates continued to rise. Today they still target the same audience and they are still very successful in the way that they draw the audience. There have been a few changes in MTV since the start. They released a new logo after 30 years. It is not much different. It is just a little bit bigger and it is one color. The last was a mix between a few colors. The old one was designed by Frank Olinsky and it was a very big hit, but it was just time for a change. In 1986, the President and CEO, Robert Pittman left. There is no exact explanation why but he did. Over time, they started to show more reality shows than anything else. Some people liked the change to more reality shows but some people like the old school music videos all the time. There were some companies and investors that made it possible for MTV to even start. Warner Communications and American Express were big investors that helped in the starting of the show. Warner Amex was basically the main establisher and owner for about five years after the start. Then, in 1986, Viacom purchased MTV from Warner Amex. Now Viacom is the owner with all rights to MTV. There are other networks that MTV and Viacom own. They own VH1 that was released in 1985 and its purpose was to play adult contemporary. Then, in 1996, MTV2 was released to allow fans to see commercial free music videos. MTV (the original) became available in Manhattan and Los Angeles. Many people called this the second launch of MTV. They also own all Nickelodeon stations, Comedy Central, and CMT. This is not all; it is just a few that you may know. Although MTV has been very popular, it has also had a few controversial shows that some fans did not agree with. â€Å"Beavis and Butthead† was very controversial because some viewers felt that it was pointless and that the language was a bad influence for some of the younger audience that watched it. â€Å"Celebrity Deathmatch† was a part of this list because it made fun of the celebrities and it had bad language and violence. â€Å"16 and Pregnant† was another show that some people did not like because it could encourage some of the younger viewers to engage in sexual intercourse which is the problem with the people on the show. It is meant to deter kids from ending up like that but it only encourages some. â€Å"Jersey Shore† was the last show that people did not agree with. They believe that the people on the show are irresponsible and kids these days may think it’s cool and try to be like them. Over the years, MTV has had an impact on our generation, but also on our parents’ generation. A lot of younger teens’ parents that are around (14) grow up watching MTV. It is not the same now as it was then because of the popularity in different kinds of music over the years and they are now showing more reality shows. MTV also has an effect on its viewers. Most people that have ever seen MTV are probably hooked on it and they like to watch it. Also, the persuasion by friends to tell other friends to watch it because it is ‘cool’; and you aren’t if you don’t watch it. MTV has been very important over its years in various ways. It has brought a whole new way to experience music. Before MTV, you could only hear music over the radio, but when MTV aired, it played music videos, which was a whole new element to music over all. They have also helped lots of artists to grow and become more popular with just a few minutes of air time. This gas truly helped many people become more popular. With music videos, many people became more persuaded into buying the song even though they may not like the song. Even if they really like the video, they would still buy it because of the video and they weren’t paying attention to the song. It is very smart on the part of the broadcasters because they could just draw in an audience with an exciting video and you would think nothing of the song, just the video.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Holocaust In Rwanda History Essay

The Holocaust In Rwanda History Essay The Holocaust was, without question, one of the defining events of the 20th Century and its legacy left an indelible mark upon subsequent attempts to come to terms with issues of genocide and mass murder. Whilst the Holocaust is the most well-known case of genocide, the systematic extermination of groups of people or entire societies both pre-dates 1945 and has also played a fundamental part in international politics since the end of the Second World War. The formation of the United Nations helped to legally define the concept of genocide and Fatsah Ouguergouz shows that Article II of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide enumerates a number of acts which committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such constitute the international crime of genocide (Ouguergouz 2003: pp.216). However, despite greater efforts to understand and combat the problem of genocide the post-1945 world has proven itself incapable of eliminating genocide. The Holocaust might be the most glaring example of genocide before 1945, but there is a strong case to be made for the argument that the Rwandan genocide a serious episode since the end of the Cold War. This essay will examine whether the Rwandan experience displays points of comparison to the Holocaust and to what extent a comparison is a valid historical line of enquiry. There have been a number of historians that have sought to locate common themes in the Jewish and Rwandan experience of genocide. One concept that is often applied to the Holocaust and the case of Rwanda that is argued to mark them out from other instances of genocide is the idea of total genocide. Robert Melson draws a distinction between what he refers to as partial genocide, which is the use of mass murder in order to coerce and to alter the identity or the politics of a group, not to destroy it and total genocide, which means to do away with a group entirely (Melson 1996: pp.28). Mark Levene argues that both in the case of the Holocaust and Rwanda one can argue that total genocide was being practised by the perpetrators and that it was not simply a conscious attempt to mass murder targeted groups as groups, but, so far as it was possible to do so, to the point of their complete annihilation (Levene 2005: pp.66). The concept of total genocide to the Holocaust and to Rwanda is impo rtant to consider when thinking about both cases. Indeed, the term Final Solution is synonymous with an approach seeking to exterminate an entire group of people and Friedlander shows that for Hermann Goring the final solution was also a total solution (Friedlander 1997: pp.284). Christian Scherrer argues that Rwanda can similarly only be understood as a situation of final solution and total genocide and he argues that this is the only possible starting point for understanding Rwandan realities as they are today (Scherrer 2002: pp.169). In other words, the explicit aim of the Nazis was to remove entirely the presence of Jewish people from the face of the earth and the parallels with the case of Rwanda are clear. The relentless drive by Hutu extremists and militias to eliminate the entire Tutsi population originated in large part from the belief that the solution to Rwandas problems was to eliminate the entire Tutsi population (Twagilimana 1997: pp.50). Conceptualising of the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide with reference to the n otion of total genocide, therefore, appears to be justified in relation to the intentions of the Nazis and the Hutu. ************* difference= brith of the hatred. R the division was created by the colonists (French and Belgians), by defining differences in characteristics between the Hutu and Tutsi and creating a hierarchical system for the possession of such traits, which essentially gave rise to hatred and segregation in Rwandan population. Whereas anti-Semitism has been in existence for centuries (PROOF) Another comparison that can be drawn between the Holocaust and the Rwandan experience of genocide is the innocence of the victims. Lemarchand argues that Tutsi and Jews share a sense of victimhood for which here are few other parallels in recent or past history and that Jews across the world, and the state of Israel in particular, heavily empathise with the Rwandan experience (Lemarchand 2005: pp.145). A former Rwandan government official states the Rwandan genocide and the Holocaust were the same as both killed innocent people based on their race, religion or convictions (Eltringham 2004: pp.54). ADD: how both Rwandans and the jewish populattions were both victims. DIFFERNCE: Rwandan killed their own population Whereas the germans gesapto aswell as SS were recuited to simply exterminate the Jewish popution. DIFFERENCE: GERMANS BELIEFES: Aryan race, and the hatred and anilations of Jews, the disabled, old people. Whereas tin Rwanda the hatred spiralled via the post colonialidt. One common experience shared by both Jews and Tutsi that make their anguish particularly raw was the fact that in both cases the international community was slow to respond to the mounting evidence of genocide against their peoples. The American and other allied governments certainly knew of the genocide being committed against the Jews by the Nazis, but the reality of the situation was that these governments believed that they had other more vital interests that needed to be pursued elsewhere. In other words, in the context of a World War, saving the Jewish people from extermination was low on their list of priorities. This was to an extent true even of American Jews and in a speech in 1991 the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir said that the memory of inaction during World War Two was heavy on the conscience of American Jews (Novick 2000: pp.39). The Rwandan experience and the Holocaust share another similarity in this sense, Destexhe argues that the Western world was very slow to recognise what was happening in Rwanda and even more reluctant to call the atrocities in the country genocide (Destexhe 1995: pp.32). It took three weeks from 6 April a long time in the world of CNN-style news before editorials finally began comparing the situation in Rwanda with Germany under Nazism and referring to it as a genocide (Destexhe 1995: pp.32). Taylor agrees with this assessment arguing that the West was largely uninterested in the unfolding chaos in Rwanda (Taylor 1999: pp.4). How poorly the world powers read the situation. But for that matter, did a sincere desire really exist at the time to understand it? (Taylor 1999: pp.4). Taylor claims that the United States was weary of intervention during this period and that only France and Belgium had any pressing interests in Rwanda. Another element of commonality is highlighted by Traverso, one that might be regarded as a feature that separates the genocides in Rwanda and in Germany (Traverso 1999: pp.74). Traverso focuses upon the industrial nature of the killing both in Germany and in Rwanda and whilst the operations of the Nazis are often characterised in this fashion it is less common to conceive of the Rwandan genocide in such terms (Traverso 1999: pp.74). The mobile killing units had precursors in the Ottoman Empire and epigones in Rwanda and Bosnia and therefore he argues that the Jewish genocide constitutes a paradigm of modern barbarism (Traverso 1999: pp.74). The weaponry that the Hutu used in order to commit their crimes might have been no more sophisticated than the simple machete, but this is not Traversos point (Traverso 1999: pp.74). He argues that the sophistication is to be found in the level of planning and organisation undertaken by both Nazi and Hutu leaders and that this is where the industr ial and modern spectre of the genocide is to be located (Traverso 1999: pp 74). Differences between the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide An important difference between the Rwandan experience and the Holocaust was the extent to which ideology influenced the perpetrators of the crime. Smith identifies the centrality of ideological currents in the Nazi genocide (Smith 2002: pp.153). According to Smith, ideology glorifies the perpetrators group by assigning to that group a special historical or religious mission. It demeans the victims group by assigning to its members many negative and often nonhuman characteristics (Smith 2002: pp.153). Ideology certainly played an important role in the Holocaust and there were a number of Hutu intellectuals who advocated more extreme forms of action against the Tutsi, but as Lemarchand argues the role of ideology was fundamentally different in both cases (Gellately 2003: pp.331). According to Lemarchand, whereas the Holocaust is the classic example of an ideological genocide, rooted in the most stridently racist ideology, the Rwanda genocide is better seen as the byproduct of the mort al threats posed to the revolutionary Hutu-dominated state by the RPF (Lemarchand 2005: pp.148). The Rwandan genocide is therefore better understood as resulting from a Hutu population that felt itself to be under threat from the Tutsi, rather than from any driving ideological imperatives. The difficulties of comparing the Holocaust and Rwanda However, a number of historians are not comfortable with drawing parallels between the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide. Lemarchand argues that analysing genocide comparatively is inherently problematic and claims that each instance of genocide must be investigated on a singular basis. Lemarchand does not fundamentally disagree with the notion that there are similarities between the two experiences, but argues that a comparative analysis is dangerous (Lemarchand 2005: pp.143). To treat Rwanda as the carbon copy of the Holocaust is likely to obscure its historical specificity and regional context, and ultimately lead to a misunderstanding of the motivations behind the killings (Lemarchand 2005: pp.143). Eltringhams comparative examination of the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide encounters similar difficulties and finds that a comparison of the suffering in both cases is ultimately futile (Eltringham 2004: pp.56). Both Tutsi and Jews have suffered, but in a different manner and for different reasons (Eltringham 2004: pp.56). There may, therefore, be similarities between the experiences of Jews and Tutsi during the their respective genocides, but the entire comparative paradigm is irretrievably flawed and as a result any attempt to draw sustained parallels between Germany and Rwanda is always likely to end in failure. In conclusion while it is possible to display points of comparison between the Rwandan genocide and the Holocaust, such a comparison must be approached with caution. One can argue that conceiving of the Holocaust and Rwanda as examples of total genocide is legitimate and that the industrial nature of the killing as well as the inaction on the part of the international community all point to a clear line of similarity between the two experiences. However, it is clear that a point of comparison between any two genocides is difficult, if not impossible task. The multitude of factors that cause genocide to take place in any given country are enormously complex and critically depend upon the context from which they emerge.(ADD: The colonists created the divde between the population, whereas anti semitsim has existed for centuries. Therefore, to argue that the Rwandan genocide is a modern-day example of the Holocaust is a misplaced argument, because it does not appreciate the many points o f difference that existed in the two respective cases. Ultimately, one should be careful when drawing points of comparison between the Final Solution and the Rwandan genocide for precisely this reason. ADD: How the rwandan hutu leader sought inspiration from Hitler, he watched films related to Hitler and searched for tips .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Is The Military Draft Ethical Politics Essay

Is The Military Draft Ethical Politics Essay For years, nations around the world have chosen to turn to drafting citizens for the military against their will in order to have an adequate number of soldiers for wars occurring at the time. We must question, Is this ethical? In this paper I will examine various sources and ethical theories from throughout history to decide whether or not the drafting of citizens to join the military is in fact ethical. I believe that, while exploring these sources, we will find that, from an ethical standpoint, military drafting is not a morally correct option. Examining the ethical standpoint of military drafting is quite important to our nation because, at the moment, there is debate going on about whether or not women should be drafted as well as men. This brings up an entirely new option to drafting. Throughout history, it has been the men who have gone off to fight while the women have stayed home to take care of things. Nowadays, women make up a large division of the military, which means that there is a greater number soldiers; thus eliminating much of the need to draft new soldiers. Without such a great need for soldiers, the people of the United States would not be forced to engage in practices or be part of a cause in which they dont believe. The consideration of the drafting of women has particular importance to me, because, as a woman, even though I love and value my country, I have no desire to join the armed forces. It is against everything for which I stand and in which I believe to kill another human being. Ethical egoism is the idea that if a person is not always being 100% selfish and looking out for his or her own personal benefit and gains, he or she should be. This idea suggests that we humans should not do anything that doesnt make us happy, give us pleasure or benefit us in the long run; if each of us is always looking out for our own benefit, then the world will be a better place because everyone will have that driving factor to make their goals happen and thus, everyone will work harder. All we truly have is ourselves, so if we give up what we want or need for the good of another, we are giving up on the one person who matters to us and we are losing ourselves in the process. The theory of Ethical Egoism would say that, if joining the military is something that will benefit you over the long run and which you genuinely love, then it can be a wise decision. The armed forces generally pay quite well and have good benefits, such as free tuition for school and career placement. These perks can be a blessing in many peoples lives, so, if you are one who thinks it would be a good use of your time and energy, then by all means, join the military and serve your country. However, if joining the military is not something that you would love to do, or if it is something which contradicts your moral beliefs, then it would not be a wise decision in the long run and you should not be forced into serving. Many people who have been drafted have suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to the horror which they had to endure and for which they were not mentally or emotionally prepared. The theory of Utilitarianism states that an action is right or wrong in proportion to its ability to promote or destroy the overall happiness of everyone affected; thus it is morally correct to take action for the greater good, not simply for personal gain or the pleasures of one individual. There is also Non-hedonistic Utilitarianism which defines actions taken to be right or wrong in proportion to the amount of good which they promote in the world. This theory takes happiness and pleasure out of the equation and simply looks at what it will contribute to the world. Both of these theories look at the common interest and decide which actions to take based on the benefit of the body as a whole. According to Utilitarianistic ideals, if the drafting of civilians for the military will promote the common good, it is the right thing to do. This may mean that in time of war, if there is a need for more soldiers, drafting may be the key to keeping our nation safe from invaders or protecting soldiers in lands we are at odds with, thus being for the common good. However, it may not be for the greater happiness in the equation. Many Americans are at odds with the war which is happening now and would do anything to stop it. Do we include their happiness in the picture? What about the happiness of those whose country we have invaded? It is difficult to know whos happiness and well-being should be taken into account. In my opinion, military drafting is morally wrong. No one should be forced to join a service in which they are asked to perform act of violence against others. I know that, with the beliefs I hold about life and violence, if I were drafted, I would kill myself before I could force myself kill another human being. I love and value my country, but whether the person I was asked to kill was good or bad, I would not be able to go through with it. Studies have shown that, in past wars, even those men who were not drafted but had birth dates that made them eligible for the draft had a higher mortality rate than the group with birth dates that exempted them: Suicide was increased by 13%, death from motor-vehicle accidents by 8%, and total mortality by 4%. I believe that this clearly proves that those who do not enter the service voluntarily are not mentally or emotionally prepared enough to handle what occurs on the battlefield, therefore, having them there puts them and their comrades at g reater risk. Draftees also do not make as much money as enlistees. Though both are putting their life at risk for the same cause, one is scrutinized against while the other is rewarded and praised. This segregation no doubt is demoralizing to the draftees because they feel as if they are under-valued compared to the other soldiers, this creates resentment and misunderstanding in a field where they need to remain united as a body. I believe that George Washington would disagree with me on this topic. He felt that every man should fight for the freedom of our country and that if they were to enjoy the privileges that others were willing to fight for, they should step up and fight for freedom. He believed in honor and putting the greater good ahead of ones own comforts. His troops lived in the cold for months with no decent food, clothes, or housing and yet they stuck to the mission until the end no matter the consequences. In conclusion, I believe that there is great honor in fighting for a common goal and working to protect the safety and happiness of all, but that in order to truly give your best and keep the safety of those around you, you must be committed to what you are doing and have a personal drive. Sense of personal duty is such a big part of what keeps the men and women in our military level-headed, safe, and determined. If one is forced to join, he or she may not have this drive and can endanger those around them, which is why, after careful research and consideration, I feel that having a military draft is morally wrong.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Colonial Super Powers: From its birth in early 15th century to its decline in dominance by the 20th century, Colonial Super Powers fueled/sustained empires across oceans. Territories such as Portugal, France, Spain and Great Britain fought incessantly at times for various countries and islands across the world. The largest of all, the Superpowers during that Era, was Great Britain; considered as the Giant Empires with the largest number of colonized countries under its control. These Countries gained their enormous wealth and power from the many countries they claimed as colonies. But while wealth was stripped from the Colonies/Caribbean islands, some things were gained-things that weren’t tangible; things that stand even decades after these former colonies’ independence. This adopted Heritage, architecture, social institutions, languages, customs all form part of the culture of the islands such as Barbados and Dominica. Barbados is known as the â€Å"Little England† because of the rich British Influence in the country. The names of streets, places, religion, sports, Architecture are all evidence of the British Influence. Religion in Barbados: The Anglican church, the official Church of England is the dominant religious denomination on the island of Barbados. According to 2000 census, it indicates that 28 percent of Bajans are Anglican. The Various Churches (10) that still stand are example of how British architecture was very well emulated. Sports: Cricket, an English Sport which was derived as an interval sport during the British Empire can be seen practiced in all former colonial Countries especially Barbados. Cricket is an essential part of the Barbadian culture .Over the Decades, Barbados/Bajans have mastered and adopted cricket... the early 1700s.For instance, King George V street, Queen Mary Street(British name) and Vielle Casse & Petite Savanne(French) are all evidence of both French and English influence. Architecture- is uniquely interesting; the class of both 18th century French and British architecture can be seen around the island. Educational System: The Educational System in Dominica is very similar to the British; education is divided into four categories their education system is divided into four categories: Preprimary (preschool), Primary School, Secondary/High school and tertiary College. Like the British, Uniforms are compulsory in most educational Institution across the island. The colonial Super Powers have influenced many countries, cultures and traditions over the course of history. These mixed traditions and cultures have created a form of identity for each country.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Where Has My Job Gone? Essay -- Employment India Essays

Where Has My Job Gone? With the implementation of minimum wage and rising production costs in the United States, many companies have found themselves looking for a way to save money on production. Clothing manufacturers such as Nike have used labor forces in other countries, mainly in Asia to produce their products. These countries can offer similar quality labor for a cheaper cost on wages. The lower or non existent minimum wage laws in foreign countries allow companies like Nike to cut production costs drastically, while still being able to produce quality products. Similar trends are starting to creep into software companies. They are finding a workforce able to do similar work as the American workers, but for less pay. These companies are outsourcing their work. Outsourcing is simply the transfer of operational responsibility of either business processes or infrastructure management to an external service provider. [1] The majority of these jobs end up in India due to their low wages and high l evel education. Why would companies outsource? Companies look to outsourcing software because of the many benefits it provides. Most noticeably is the savings on costs it can provide. The lower costs over in Asia, especially India, help to reduce and control costs. The production costs are lower because of the lower wages of the workers in India. The average yearly salaries for IT programmers were $5,880 in 2002 compared to the $63,331 US programmers were making. [2] The difference is that labor in India costs about 9% of the costs of the US labor. Furthermore, by outsourcing software work to India, companies can use their existing personnel for different projects. The US workers can be put on tasks that c... ...r, 2003. The International Herald Tribune Online. 16 March 2014. . [7] †Advantage of Outsourcing to India.† VT Consulting. 16 March 2014. . [8] Rayen, Ranjeet. â€Å"ITPL to become role model for Bangladesh’s hi-tech park.† 19 June 2001. 16 March 2014. . [9] Pink, Daniel. February 2004 â€Å"The New Face of the Silicon Age.† Wired. Issue 12.02. 16 March 2014. . [10] Adam Smith. An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), reprint, ed. Edwin Cannan (New York: Modern Library), 1937, p. 14.

ESL Lesson Plan: Celebrating Christmas in Canada :: essays research papers

Students: 14 adult ESL students at an advanced level in the English language. They all have high levels of literacy in their L1 and are learning English for academic purposes. The students are seem to be very interested in the Canadian culture and have been asking many questions about the upcoming holiday, Christmas. Many of the students have been living in Canada for close to one year and have not experienced the â€Å"Canadian Christmas†. Context: It is the early month of December and the students have been already reading, writing and hearing about Christmas in Canada. To date, they have already shared their cultural practices during Christmas, if any, and are now interested in the Canadian culture. They are familiar with the concept of Christmas and some key terms, like Santa Clause, Christmas tree, etc. The length of this class is two hours with one fifteen minute coffee break, after one hour.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Objectives: ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To practice scanning for information ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To recall and use vocabulary previously learned ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To learn and use new vocabulary: -Christmas/Evergreen tree  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -Christmas Decorations (tinsel, ornaments, etc.) -Christmas Carols  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -Christmas Presents -Church Services  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -Roasted Turkey -Christmas Stockings  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -Santa Clause -Christmas Eve ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To foster interpersonal relationships through group work ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To practice using different descriptive words to illustrate an idea to a peer Materials: ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marx, D.F. (2000). Christmas. Toronto: Children’s Press. ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chalkboard/Chalk or Dry Erase Board/ Markers. ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Describe and Draw game rules (from Bryrne, D. (1979). Communication games: a teaching aid. Windsor: NFER Publishing.) ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Christmas pictures for Describe and Draw Game from magazines ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Magazines with Christmas pictures ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  14 pieces of poster paper ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Scissors/glue/tape  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ▸  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tape/CD player with Christmas carols Procedures: (1) Students participate in a discussion of the following questions: (45 min)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What do you already know about the Canadian Christmas? Have you ever celebrated Christmas in Canada before? What would you like to learn about celebrating Christmas in Canada?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (The teacher reads the book Christmas by David F. Marx, ensuring that all students can see the illustrations, to improve comprehension) What words come out of the book that you are unfamiliar with? (The teacher makes a list on board of unknown words). Following completion of the book, the class approaches the unknown word list on the board. The teacher explains the words using pictures from the book as well as relating the words to other things that they already know.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What are some interesting things that you have learned about the multicultural Canadian Christmas? (2) Students will participate in the â€Å"Describe and Draw† game. (See attached rules and pictures). (15 min.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (The teacher explains rules to the game, and then walks two volunteers through a couple of rounds until students feel comfortable).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Homelessness and Solutions Homeless People

Let’s all help the homeless During the past decade there may have been an increase in homelessness due to the struggles of daily life. People have many ideas on ways that the government or communities can help improve these situations. It is not easy to help the homeless but any help can improve their lives and our streets. It may not take them completely off our streets but it can help them to get back on their feet.In a New York Times article, â€Å"Rooms of Their Own† on January 21, 1990 by Anna Quindlen, she reports that after observing people on the streets that all they want it a safe place to live to call home where they can have some privacy. She describes that many are mentally ill that the government cannot support any longer. Some homeless are former inmates that just need a little help getting back into society. Anna argues that the government should have to help by housing them in small studio like room to help them get back on their feet.By doing this it m ay get them back in the community and working soon to be on their own and not need the help any longer. Stuart D. Bykofsky complains in Newsweek, â€Å" No Heart for the Homeless†, on December 1, 1986 that he is fed up with the homeless laying around in the streets and making his community disgusting and unsafe to walk. He argues that why should individuals settle for these kinds of people living on there property for free and get away with it. He believes that it is not fair that they get to live on the streets for free and whileRivas 2 tax payers are getting fined for any reason. Stuart explains that the homeless need no excuse to live on the streets if there is a shelter to go to. It is their choice to go but if they choose not to then they should be fined for it as well. Not all homeless are the same because they all have different situations on why they have become homeless. Some of them have gotten laid off and simply cannot find w a job to support their families. This is all a part of Steven’s Vanderstaaty claim in his book, â€Å"Solutions Homeless People Seek†.He reveals that these unemployed people just want to work so they can get back into the community, but believe they shouldn’t have to go through all different kinds of training and programs for a job that they already have experience in. He points out that what homeless need is help getting back to society by their certain situations they may face of drug and alcohol programs or resources to help each individual that may need help mentally, physically or financially.After reading all three essays I find that any help would it be, donating time or money would help the homeless. It would show that the community does care for them as well as their surroundings to make it a cleaner and a safer place to live. Homeless or not everyone needs help may it be financially, emotionally or physically the government should have resources to help everyone!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Torn thread

The setting in the story Torn Thread written by Anne Isaacs was taken place in Bedizen, Poland, and Parachutist, Czechoslovakia, where the characters were forced to move to a Jewish ghetto. Main Characters: The main character in this story was Eva who is twelve years old who was forced to spin thread for the Germans and had to look after her sick sister, Rachel. The minor characters in Torn Thread are Rachel who was always sick with colds, coughs, high fevers, and shortness of breath.Rachel was very ill and was taken to the hospital frequently. Another minor character was Eve's and Earache's father who was taken away from them when they were taken to the Jewish ghetto, Things I Learned: In the story Torn Thread I learned that the Mans took young and Innocent Jews and forced them to do heavy labor and live In Jewish ghettos. I learned that the Nazis killed people that were too old or unhealthy to work anymore. I also read how the guards of the camps would swear and hit the prisoners w ith clubs and rifles if they ere angry.So practically saying they would beat someone just to get their anger out. Another thing learned in this story was the Nazis blamed everything on the Jews since they hated them so much. Significance of the Title: I think the author chose Torn Thread as the title for this story because Eva was forced to spin thread to make blankets and uniforms for the Germans. But her life is getting harder and torn apart hence the title Torn Thread. Plot: The story Is set In a Nazi labor camp during World War II.After her older sister Rachel is taken by the Nazis and transported to a labor camp, Eve's father arranges for her to also be transported to the same camp so that she can look after her sister and so that, no matter what happens to the rest of the family, they will be together. Because he works as an accountant for the Germans, he has learned that Jews are being sent to concentration camps to be exterminated, and he hopes that he will be able to save h is daughters by insuring their place in a slave labor camp.Eva finds Rachel at the Parachutist camp, and together they survive the work they were forced o do adding on to taking care of each other. Changes in the Main Characters: Throughout the story Eva and Earache's relationship grew stronger with each other. When Eva had to take care of Rachel, Rachel realized how much her sister cared for her. Rachel and Eva than started helping each other through the difficult times and became closer In their relationship. Eva became more brave and Intelligent as the story progressed. Rachel became more caring and brave like Eva did.Personal Torn thread was a powerful work of fiction. It explains the horrors of the Holocaust and how brutal it was at the concentration camps. I enjoyed reading this book because I like learning about history and how it was to live back then, especially for the Jews. If I were to ask a question to one of the characters I would ask Eva how she felt when having to le ave her father and if it was hard taking care of her sister by herself.. Torn thread was an exciting novel written about the Holocaust, I would recommend it to anyone looking for a fictional story about the Holocaust.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How the Environment plays a role in Learning Essay

Learning is a process which touches on almost every aspect of human life. Surprisingly, it is through learning that the experiences of the past are passed on to the younger generation by parents as well as educators. It is impossible to get knowledge without learning. Apart from knowledge, learning equips people with skills and abilities that enable them to deal perfectly with the complexities of life. Through learning for instance, individuals get to know about the rules that enable them to interact in their social lives. Learning is however not unique. It networks with an individual’s social life and the environment (Custom Essay, 2009). Richlin in his book, Blue print for learning: constructing collage courses to facilitate, access and document learning, acknowledges that â€Å"Learning does not occur in a vacuum. † It cannot occur in isolation either and is dependent on various factors such as the environment (Richlin, 2006). The environment is the substance upon which learning is laid upon. It forms the backbone of learning. Environment thus plays a significant role as far as the learning process is concerned. The environment can affect the learning process either positively or negatively. This research paper seeks to look at various environmental factors and the roles they play in the learning process. The Natural Environment Though in the current world there is a high rise of technology and people can change the environment to suit their needs, the impact of natural environment on learning is still so strong and cannot be ignored. For example, people who were brought up in rural areas are very different from those in urban area. This is in respect to what each has learned. Those from the remote areas are in contact with nature itself. They learn so much from nature since their dwelling place is so natural and has not been contaminated by human activities. On the other hand, a city dweller has no natural environment access and barely learns much from it. He or she is even less concerned with what is happening in the natural environment. Lessons on nature become challenging to city dwellers but remote dwellers learn with ease (Custom Essay, 2009). It is in the natural environment that historical, scientific, and geographical materials for learning are found in plenty. These natural features are fun to learn when individuals know what they are learning about. For instance, those located near the ocean or sea will have fun learning about the marine ecosystem. Likewise those in mountainous regions will enjoy a geography lesson on types of mountains. Learning in these natural environments is so real, so natural, and so meaningful and students tend to perform better than those who learn in the theoretical way in the cities (Smith, 2010). Social Environment Many people do not know that social environment plays a fundamental role in the process of learning. Humans are social beings and they can neither live nor learn in an isolated situation. Ones a child is born, the learning process begins from the social environment. By crying, the child knows that it will be attended to by the society around it. The first people to get in touch with an individual from an early age are from the family members. The family at this level is the social environment for the child. Basic knowledge is learned from the parents and it becomes the foundation of an individual’s future life. The social environment then expands as the individual advances in age. He or she can learn from friends, peers, and influential adults (Custom Essay, 2009). However, different people that an individual comes into contact with, impact differently on his or her learning process. At the early stage of a person’s life, parents shape the views, beliefs and equip the person with basic knowledge, skills and the abilities. The family can affect the child negatively or positively. For instance, statistics reveal that children under family abuse score less in exams than the ones who have been raised normally free from abuse. Abused children feel useless and they develop a negative self image. They undermine their learning ability and hence perform poorly in the learning process. In contrast, a family can positively motivate a child by encouraging them to believe they can. Such children build confidence in themselves that enable them to face challenges at home and in school. This positively influences their learning. The time the parents spend with their children also influences learning. Very committed parents like those in the military have little time for their children and therefore children do not get all the knowledge that they require. Other parents have a high priority for discipline and they will raise-up disciplined children. High level discipline augers well with learning (Smith, 2010). At the adolescent stage, peers mean everything to an individual’s life. An individual develops personality through the interaction with his or her peers (Custom Essay, 2009). Learning can be impaired if the teen chooses a bad social grouping. Anti-social behaviors like drug and substance abuse will no doubt impair a person’s learning process. Drug and substance abuse interferes with the activity of the mind in processing information. There is also the interference with the normal functioning of the body. In addition, some people spend much of their time in non-constructive activities like gambling. They therefore do not concentrate in their classroom activities leading to poor performance (Smith, 2010). Despite the fact that most of a person’s personality has already been shaped by the time they reach adulthood, adults still learn even in old age. The social environment affects the learning process of an adult (Custom Essay, 2009). The Physical Environment The physical environment also affects the learning process. To start with, the structures in which people, particularly students, spend most of their days will determine the quality of learning. Research has shown that students in shabby schools rarely perform well as compared to those in decent schools. Shabby structures are not attractive to the learners and they do not feel motivated to learn either. They might also be missing some structures such as windows which will pose a danger to learning especially in times of hurricanes and rains. A good physical environment is attractive and cultivates positive attitudes in both learners and teachers. Schools or learning environments should be friendly if at all the desirable learning is going to take place. There should be attractive spaces to give students comfort the way they would in a cafe. Learning is therefore improved with the physical environment improvement. In the classrooms, the arrangement of desks and spacing all count to the learning process. Studies have revealed that students who are less attentive and barely successful are mostly affected by arrangement of desks. Their queer behaviors will tend to increase when they are in rows rather than around tables. To make sure that all students are monitored, clustering of students should be avoided. This ensures that there is enough space for every student and there is no opportunity for the misconduct of students. The students therefore will be serious and of course learn more in spacious classes (Victorian Institute of Teaching, nd). Other physical aspects that determine the process of learning include climate, noise, and color. Extreme temperatures negatively affect the quality of learning (Victorian Institute of Teaching, nd). Hurricanes will also have their part to play. Many other disastrous weather conditions affect learning negatively. The student will spend more time fighting with the disasters than in their studies. Poor weather reduces the level of concentration (Smith, 2010). Noise disrupts the whole process of teaching and learning. Too much noise leads to the impairment of the cognitive function. Most reading and studying problems are associated with noise. Furthermore it is difficult for a student to hear what the teacher is saying if there is a lot of noise in the environment. Likewise color affects the efficiency and motivation in learning. Choice of colors depends primarily on the learners’ age and gender. Brighter colors go well with young children and adolescents will be attracted by subdued colors. Males feel at peace with brighter colors but females would like softer colors. Careful considerations should therefore be made when furnishing classrooms to avoid negative influences (Victorian Institute of Teaching, nd). The Cultural Environment Individuals are from different cultural backgrounds. The styles of learning differ from one culture to another. In the developing worlds like Asia and Africa, teachers, mentors and parents insist on the observation of strict discipline in the process of teaching and learning. Children are not given time to air their views. In contrast, in developed countries like US, learning is less controlled and children are allowed to actively participate in learning and teaching processes. This may go a long way to motivating students for better performance. Restrictions on the other hand will make students hate the whole process of learning and teaching (Smith, 2010). The learning process is also affected by the nature of the cultural environment. Some cultures may have a special respect when it comes to knowledge acquisition. People who are learned are greatly respected. These people become mentors to the learner and boost their morale. For example, if a child grows up admiring a certain engineer, chances are that he or she will learn more to become that engineer. Additionally, in the developed countries almost everyone is educated. They also have better resources such as equipped libraries and internet facilities. Their children therefore receive information they require in learning from diverse areas. The more the resources, the more simplified the learning process will be. On the other hand, inadequate resources will always pose a threat to the learning process. In addition, poor countries have a high number of uneducated people and thus do not act as motivators to learning (Smith, 2010). Some cultures also may influence learning by holding a special position in a particular area of study. For along time, there have been talks on mathematics, sciences and languages. Certain cultural backgrounds may fail to put weight on the study of language such as in Myanmar. Some tribes here have no records of their written language. Students from such localities are restricted by their cultural environment to learn the language. They will only have few language experiences. Other cultures will put more emphasis on subjects like mathematics. Learning mathematics for students from these environments will not be a difficult task. The cultural environment therefore dictates what is to be learnt and to what extent (Catherine, 2010). Classroom Setting There are different classroom settings all of which affect the process of learning. Learners tend to perceive various settings differently. For instance, in comparing the traditional classroom teaching with online learning, traditional though passed by time, provides the best setting. Online learning does not monitor the learner’s move. Learning therefore is at the mercy of the learner’s self discipline. More so, there is no reinforcement offered by online learning and there is no educator-recipient direct interaction. In traditional classroom environment, the learner’s moves are closely monitored, there is teacher-student contact and therefore reinforcement is guaranteed. The teacher is in a position to learn the psychological weakness of a student. Once the problem is known, the student can be helped out. Students of the traditional setting will always perform better academically than online students. The learning process is therefore affected by the kind of setting selected (Smith, 2010).

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Velocity and Acceleration (Video Analysis) Lab Report

Velocity and Acceleration (Video Analysis) NAME Abstract: With using the new software this lab was different than the rest. We determined many solutions using video analysis. We used a frictionless track with a â€Å"car† and recorded using loggerpro software. We used this software to determine average velocity and instantaneous velocity. With this information we than discovered the average acceleration, mine was . 2115. After that we were able to find ? a, then finally the free-fall acceleration, I got 1. 693.Overall this was a fun and difficult experiment, but I learned a ton about acceleration and velocity. Introduction: The average person might hear the word physics and have no idea what it really means. The formal definition is; a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions. Now that definition is nice and short, and doesn’t explain into too much detail, but that is the gist of it. And hopefully can help you understand this lab a little bit mor e. The next question an average person is going to ask is when is this even used in real life?But there are many examples, for one; 2-d vectors and projectile are used when using a cannonball, or any other ball flying through the air, every motion on a flat surface. Another example is hitting a golf ball, which can be in kinematics or in dynamics. If only motion of a golf ball is discussed, with terms like velocity, acceleration, displacement etc. then it's in kinematics. If mass, force, and impulse are also mentioned, than its dynamics. Those are just two of many different examples. The example that ties into this lab is hitting the golf ball, well the part about acceleration and velocity.So, if this lab is completed correctly and not only will you be able to determine the acceleration and velocity of the car on the tract but of your golf ball as well, which could be fun to see who’s is the highest with your friends. So before you know it you will be using physics in your ev eryday life and have fun doing it. But in this lab we will be finding a little bit more than just velocity and acceleration of low friction systems, we will also obtain a value for instantaneous velocity, which is used if we reduce the time interval between ti and tf to a very small value.Also the value for the free-fall acceleration g, this will be found using analytical and graphical methods, where the slope will also be determined. And I believe having fun while doing it. So, don’t think of physics as this hard useless subject because it is not! In fact, if understood it can be a useful and fun subject to learn. Theory: To describe object's motion we have a parameter called velocity which gives both the direction and speed of the object's motion. Average velocity can be found with net displacementtotal time taken or Xf-XiTf-Ti.In the first part of the experiment we will observe the motion at constant and even velocity. Constant means a quantity where the value does not cha nge with time. Even is a quantity where the value does not change with space coordinates. If a system could be found in which a mass moves with no friction, then that motion would be both even and constant. While it is impossible to take away friction completely, it is somewhat easy to minimize friction to almost none. The device available for studying nearly frictionless motion and the one we will be using is called a linear air track.Next is to find the value for instantaneous velocity which can be found with the equation; V3= X4-X2T4-T2, V4 X7-X5T7-T5, and so on, this must be done eight to ten times. So, if we determine the net displacement and take that and divide it by the total time taken, then we can establish the average velocity and the instantaneous velocity. Next we have to obtain the acceleration and the free-fall acceleration. These are found separately though and take two different methods, although they are very similar. First we must place a 1. 7 cm block under the l inear air track to rise it up which is essential to find the free-fall acceleration and the average acceleration. To find the acceleration we will be using an equation, which is; a=Vf-ViTf-Ti. And for the free-fall acceleration it is simply used with analytical and graphing with an equation, which is; Mg sin? = Ma. So, if we determine the velocity, then the acceleration can be calculated, and take that data and we can determine the free-fall acceleration. Experiment: First, before beginning this experiment you need to make sure you have the correct materials.You will need; an air track, an air car, a computer, a web cam, loggerPro ® software, a USB thumb drive, a meter stick, and a calculator. Once you have the proper equipment you are now ready to start the lab. First you turn on the vacuum cleaner, next set the car on the track. After that give the car a small push, if it runs good then you are good to go. Start up the LoggerPro ® software, select â€Å"insert†, then â €Å"Video Capture†. A pop up will appear and click on â€Å"Logitech HD Webcam C310† and click â€Å"OK†. A live image will appear.Put the web cam in a place in which you can see the whole track. On the computer click â€Å"Start Capture† button (which will start the recording), once it starts a lab partner will take the car (should be already placed at the begging of the track) and give it a slight push and wait till the car hits the end of the track and comes back to the beginning to stop the recording. Then close the window. Now that the video is taken, you will need to extract the data. First click the scale button and trace the meter stick, set it as one meter.Then click â€Å"add points† and track the car from the beginning till the end (only when moving). Press Ctrl-R to rearrange the windows, this will give a better view. Next click on the â€Å"Examine† tool, this will move the data to a data table, then turn the tool off. Once this is finished select the â€Å"Linear Fit† tool then select the â€Å"VideoAnalysisX†, this will draw a best fit line and then save. Next take the 1. 27 cm block and place it under one end of the track, this will be the end of the track where the test is run.Then in LoggerPro ® open a new page and record a video doing the same steps you previously did. Once this is complete calculate the instantaneous velocity at various points. This is done by selecting â€Å"Data†, â€Å"New Manual Column.. †, name this column â€Å"Vinst† and set the unit to â€Å"m/s†; then click â€Å"Done†. This is when the equation comes in, once each point is determined you will have to manually plug in the value into the â€Å"Vinst† column. Once this is complete you will need to complete a graph with the data from the â€Å"Vinst† column.Now the last step is just to do the calculations. Data ; Results: Acceleration= . 65-. 105-2. 4 = . 552. 6 or . 2115 ?a=12amax-amin=12. 684. 5-. 564. 8= . 0172 Free-fall acceleration = Mg sin? = Ma = g=asin? = sin? =hl= 1. 27cm125cm= . 0102 g=alh= (. 0172)(125)1. 27=1. 693 Discussion: With using the new software this lab was different than the rest. We determined many solutions using video analysis. We used a frictionless track with a â€Å"car† and recorded using loggerpro software.We used this software to determine average velocity and instantaneous velocity. With this information we than discovered the average acceleration, mine was . 2115. After that we were able to find ? a, then finally the free-fall acceleration, I got 1. 693. Overall this was a fun and difficult experiment, but I learned a ton about acceleration and velocity. References: Mellinger, Axel, Matson, William, and Qadir, Didarul. PHYSICS 175 Laboratory Manual. Department of Physics. Central Michigan University. August 2012. January 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Teaching assistants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Teaching assistants - Essay Example It has been argued that teaching assistants have too much responsibility without being given sufficient recognition for what they do.Discuss the evidence that is available to support or refute this statement indicating which appears to be more persuasive..''There is a Chinese proverb," Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself." Teaching is an art and to learn is also an art. Learning depends upon the level of interest of a student and art of a teacher is that how she/he make the specific subject or lecture interesting that a student has no other option but to learn whatever is being taught to him/her. If someone asks you to categorize teachers you may say math teacher, science teacher etc etc or you might say a good teacher and a bad teacher but you will never say a teacher and a teacher assistant. Do you know why Because most of us don't give the sufficient recognition to teacher assistants, we even don't consider them as teachers but as a helper to teacher or just an assistant .Just think when you will get into your practical life and some day sit down and try to remember your school days what would first came to your mind Your class room, your table, the teacher you most hated and your favorite teacher.that's it Had you ever taught about the teachers who use to come in your class in the absence of your teacherThese teacher assistants check your papers, copies and are indirectly related to you somehow and it won't be wrong if you had considered them one of your teachers. These teacher assistants are paid less then your class teacher may be that's why they are of less importance to you or the education system. She/he sits with the teacher in class and tries to judge if students are able to understand the lecture or not. Normally he/she is friendlier than your teacher. So in short the teacher assistant is a support for teacher, students, curriculum and school as well. They sometimes play the role of a mentor as well for the students as they interact with th e students more than the teacher. In short "they exploit and create learning opportunities"3 The question that arises is if they are given the appropriate pay and recognition for what they do A teacher works come to an end after attending class but a teacher assistant have to make course outline, examination schedule etc etc. Teaching has been considered as one of the noblest professions of world especially for women. These women are very competent who choose teaching as a profession because it is not easy to teach someone; To make them understand what you want to. A teacher assistant is also a kind of teacher who works more hard than "teachers". Then why they couldn't get the respect that students usually give to the teachers The reasons would be because they are paid less, they sometimes have to face arrogance of the teacher if she/did did any mistake or if the word "assistant" had made them lesser important than teacher or they might think that assistant know less then teacher. Unqualified Teachers: In some areas of world even teachers are not qualified enough i.e. "a survey of teacher qualifications in Northern Ireland which indicates that a significant percentage of teachers are unqualified in the areas of mathematics, physics, ICT, history and

Acting and Acting Styles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Acting and Acting Styles - Assignment Example This provides the viewer with face to face interaction with the actor (Gibbs, 2013). The most common acting styles in film industry are naturalistic and stylized acting. Naturalistic actors are mandated to be in oneness with the character’s dress, mannerism and upbringing. He must have un-distinguishable character. Stylized acting depends on an approach that is more conspicuous to put across the director’s point. They produce comic effect through characteristic hyperbolism through dramatizing (Anderson, 2009). The significant placement of actor is known as blocking. In this style the actors are positioned in a way that can shore the dominance of a character over the other. It also depicts the grandness family and other relationships possible. This is used in the film to show the supremacy of the God Father (Coppola, 1972). The special effect acting style of Rear Projection is often used to give an illusion of a film scene on a location. It involves a combination of present foreground action and pre-filmed background footage. It is common in driving scenes. The un-realistic looking technique of this style is evident in the Romantic comedy by Hudson (Reed,

Monday, August 12, 2019

Summary devil's knot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary devil's knot - Essay Example orts are geared towards depicting the rumors for what they are in an attempt to dismiss this urban legend that consumed the lives of six innocent youngsters. When the bodies of three eight year old boys-Steve Branch, Christopher Myers and Michael Moore were found dumped in a stream barely half a mile away from their home, the police were clueless, the people frightened and the town was in shock. After four weeks, the police, by the testimony provided by Jessie Misskelley Jr. a seventeen year old, arrested him and his two friends Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin, charging them with homicide. After a much publicized trial, the trio was pronounced guilty and Baldwin and Misskelley were sentenced to life imprisonment while Echols was put on death row. Leveritt followed the trial from day one and it was clear that the three boys were being put in the dock because they had â€Å"an obsession with heavy metal music†¦.Baldwin had fifteen shirts with the heavy metal thing.† Leveritt’s search for the truth revealed to the world the xenophobia of the small town, and how this is translated into a travesty of justice. The collective moral panic that had gripped the town â€Å"cost at least one innocent youth his life† (Root, 2003) Leveritt, systematically analyses the proof offered and the lack of evidence to show how the police bungled the case and the jury handed out life sentences and death penalties because all were â€Å"blinded by their fantasies about satanic cults† (Ebert). The biggest flaw in the whole case stems from the fact, that the police believed the testimony of Misskelley.Jr. a school dropout with an IQ of 72 and a history of behavioral problems, who implicated himself together with Echols and Baldwin. The police arrested the three without any physical evidence, which was against the law. Apart from that, the scene of the crime had not a drop of blood, while in fact the three children had been brutally killed, and their hands and feet tied together. Since the

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Marketing Experiential Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Experiential Exercise - Essay Example Looking at some important insights on how a number of university students decide on their actual purchase of backpacks? As far as modern backpack’s fashion style, convenience and capacity are concerned, there are a lot of stories to tell. Here’s a quite interesting point of view from one of the respondents. â€Å"I prefer a backpack that will make me feel good, aside from the great consideration of its capacity†. There’s no doubt why this respondent rated the three given criteria with five points. â€Å"It feels good when you carry at your back, not just convenience and satisfaction, but a remarkable sense of touch of fashion in it, for fashion is the common trend today, starting from your hairstyle and down to anything else†, she added in a comment. On average, fashion and convenience came on top, followed by capacity as consideration of the respondents prior to the actual purchase of their backpacks. The other respondent stated, â€Å"I think if I am convenient with my backpack, it follows that at some point, it addressed the consideration of its capacity.† The said respondent added, â€Å"In as much as possible, I just want to carry something at my back at a considerable weight, but just enough to satisfy me by giving me a brief space that is required for my belongings.† The survey was conducted at one of the renowned university in town, where there are many university students who gladly have chosen backpacks for daily use in school. Systematic purposive random sampling was employed so as to randomly choose the respondents who are using backpacks, but without considerable bias because everybody in the target population has equal chance of being chosen. The data collection was made possible by employing personal and laddering interviews. Below is the actual analysis based on the respondents’ responses concerning the backpacks in terms of fashion style, convenience and

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Justification of Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Justification of Terrorism - Essay Example The context behind these activities makes up the second part of this definition. And although terrorism has been a part of this world since the beginning of recorded history, it still does not hold a unanimously accepted definition. It has often been described as a plan and a scheme, a crime and a religious duty, and a justifiable reaction to aggression. Hence, it is clear that it mostly depends on whose point of view is being reflected by the definition. (Terrorism Research, n.d) Nowadays, terrorist activities are so widely used in the whole world, in order to solve the various conflicts that even the different law enforcement agencies of the same country hold different definitions of terrorism. For instance, in the United States, the Department of Defence, FBI, and the Department of State, all three major departments, define terrorism in their own manner. But a general definition that is widely accepted by the public is that terrorism is an act of violence that basically targets the crowd behind the instant victims. (Terrorism Research, n.d) The French Revolutionary Government coined the word terrorism during the French Revolution (1789-1799) by generating violence against the French population and killing thousands of people. Hence, their period of ruling came to be popularly known as the Reign of Terror. (Jenkins, 1990) Terrorist activities have been going on for many centuries. ... (Jenkins, 1990) During the 1960's, the Red Brigades of Italy and the Red Army Faction of West Germany rose in terror to change the economic and political systems of their homelands. Around the same time, a Jewish group used terrorism to end British rule in Palestine, and create a new country for themselves. Since the existence of a separate Jewish homeland, a number of Palestinian groups have been involved in violent activities in order to degrade and destruct the Jewish establishment and build their own country. (Jenkins, 1990) During the 1970's, the Irish Republican Army used violence to end British Rule in Ireland, while around the same period; a Puerto Rican organization widely bombed the United States to gain freedom from them. (Jenkins, 1990) Due to the frequent failure of violent activities during the past, terrorists have been constantly seeking new and better means to reach their targets. But although the number of ways to terrorize public has increased rapidly, the more alarming matter is the rising number of causes these activities are being used for. (Terrorism Research, n.d) Characteristic Features of Terrorism Terrorism has certain characteristics that differentiate it from other violent acts, and war. The four basic features held by a terrorist activity are: violation of the rules of modern warfare, aim to achieve political alteration, the victimized targets symbolizing the issue at hand, and the effort to achieve worldwide public attention. (Zalman, 2008) Some of the features that distinguish terrorism from other forms of violent conflict are described below in detail: Political Motive An act of terror is a violent action that is used to bring about a change in the political system. Some terrorist groups believe in a particular political